Mülheim an der Ruhr, 26th of june 2015
Ruhr: AfD-office smashed
In the night to friday the 26th of june we attacked the partyoffice oft the „AfD“ (Alternative für Deutschland) in Mülheim an der Ruhr with stones and destroyed windows and the entrance door.
In the last weeks you often could read that the [right wing] party destroys itselfs. With our attack aganinst the partyoffice in Mülheim an der Ruhr we want to contribute to this process.
Especially looking forward to the for next weekend planned AfD-nationwide party congress in Essen we would suggest to the AfD in Müllheim to not repair theirs windows in the first place, but to close the bureau permanently.
Some antifascists from the ruhr-area
Source: Linksunten
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